The Golfchick

That chick blabbing about anything golf related.

Post #100: The Golfchick Chronicles

This is my 100th post on this blog! To mark the occasion, I decided to finally complete a project I’ve wanted to do for awhile. I edited all my posts to include a link at the end for the next sequential post. This way, my entire blog can be read in order from the very first post to the most recent.

Since a lot of my posts are chronicles of my golfing experiences, I thought the idea made sense. Instead of fumbling through archives, reading out of order and clicking on random links, now there’s a logical path to follow. I have added a link to the first post in my sidebar as a starting point for anyone crazy enough to follow it.

For those of you who are subscribed to my feed (thanks, by the way!), I apologize if your reader went berserk while I was re-publishing every post.

Next post.


  1. Congrats on 100 posts! I often catch errors after I publish, so I have to fix them and republish. I don’t subscribe (don’t know how) to any, but I wondered what that republishing stuff would do.

    Nice job with the links, just wish you would have done it a few months ago when I was fumbling through your archives. It was worth it though, a great read :)

    Speaking of your archives, has there been any news in the years worth of lessons scam?


  2. Thanks, Greg. Sorry it took me so long. :)

    The course where the scammer worked supposedly has a gift certificate waiting for me in the pro shop for $405 ($500 – $95 for a round I thought they gave me in consideration for their lousy pro). I haven’t been down to claim it. It has to be spent there, either on the course ($95 per round) or on merchandise in the shop (which is probably how I’ll spend it).

  3. Congratulations on hitting the blog century mark!

    And yes, I’d probably use the credit for merchandise too. Sorry to read about that particular experience of yours…


  4. Another update:
    I went down there today (on a lunch break of course – no way did I play hookie and play a round) and they had no recollection of our previous discussion. “That guy stole your money. We can’t reimburse you with merchandise because of that. He’s just a scumbag.” Okay, but the scumbag was working behind that very counter when I paid him the money…

    Anyway, he gave me five free rounds instead and I got another one before. Six rounds that don’t cost them a penny. It’s not like they’re filling those slots with paying customers.

    Grr… and they don’t have course ratings for women from any tees but the golds, which are 1000 yards shorter than the whites! Tough course, too.

  5. mediaguru at

    March 16, 2006 at 9:06 pm

    Congrats Chicky. (Can I call you that?)
    You need your own URL and a better blog engine and those dreaded “publishing….publishing…” errors will go away.
    Keep it up. You’re only 600 or so behind me 😉

  6. If you want to take this further, you may want to try small claims court. Up to you whether it’s worth it or not (not to mention the relational consequences of taking such an action), but you’ve got a legitimate case against the course, I think.


  7. Dang. I wasn’t really paying attention, but I only have 36 posts. I feel so inaddequate.

    Guru (Can I call you that? :-P) I thought your post was pretty funny until I realized I only had 36! So what are you thinking,

  8. I have a URL but nowhere to host it and no knowledge of how to use any other blog-type software.

  9. WordPress is a GREAT blog tool. Very easy to use and very easy to extend. If you’re not into programming though, it might be difficult to create your own theme, but they have several themes you can choose from. is a great webhost. WordPress suggested them to me, and I’m glad I went with them. They give you all kinds of tools to use for free. Again, if you’re not much of a geek, perhaps its not for you. Your site is good the way it is, I’d hate to see you scew it all up because you took my advice, but if you’re interested, start looking into those two links. I’m very happy with what I have.

  10. mediaguru at

    March 22, 2006 at 11:32 am

    You could check out my other site: !!! DOH!

    I can help you Chick. WORDPRESS is where it’s at.

  11. Yea!! That is a lot of posts 100!

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