Why didn’t I golf last weekend? Drag Racing!

It was the first weekend in a long time that I didn’t golf at all. Not even a nine hole jaunt at Sinaloa. Not even an hour at the range. Shame on me. Well, maybe not. We had a blast at the drag races out at the Pomona Fairplex.

So, this post is off topic, but it at least attempts to explain my lapse in golf that left me jones-ing and feeling guilty.

Greg’s dad drives a Nostalgia Eliminator class dragster, and Greg is on the crew.

Here is Greg working on the car in between passes. I hope he doesn’t
mind having his photo here. He doesn’t read this so if we don’t tell him, he won’t know!

So we spent some long days out in Pomona for a GoodGuys event, driving out in the morning and driving back late at night. Even though it’s only about an hour drive, after long hot days like that it would have been much better to get a hotel room. It was difficult to stay awake on the drive home. Oh well, next time. And I’ll bring my clubs. There was a golf course right by the track and I could see it from the staging lanes, the starting line and all the way down the track on the way to tow the car back to the pit after each pass.

Here’s an explanation of the NE class.

After narrowly qualifying, he ran his first perfect 7.60 ever and moved onto the next round. Unfortunately, he lost the next round even though his ET was shorter, I guess he was slower of the tree. Rats! I think he ran a 7.61, which ought to win!

Here’s a shot of the car in the staging lanes.

Next post.