Once in a blue moon I opt out of any social New Year’s Eve celebration. The universe provided the blue moon so here we are – just me, my loving doggy and some quality quiet time with the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 on the Wii. (Yes, I can still type – and say – that name without spitting. Perhaps there will be more on that in a later post.)

My “decision” to opt out for this blue moon celebration may have been aided by my recent oral surgery, sutures, antibiotics, vicodin and chipmunk cheeks, but who cares? It was a crap year and I’m kicking it out my own way. I even gave my Wii avatar her own golfchick-munk cheeks so she can play along.

As you can see from the picture, “I” am proudly sporting an Odyssey visor as they were kind enough to step up and be my first sponsor as I attempt to make the PGA Tour in the game. Etonic also sponsored me but I can’t seem to find any of their products to endorse in the system. Oh yes, fun times for me this new year’s eve.

Here’s wishing you and your loved ones all the best for the coming new year, new decade and a safe celebration to ring it in. Be well, be happy and may they all roll true.


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