The Golfchick

That chick blabbing about anything golf related.

Category: Golf Goods (page 2 of 6)

Mesquite Amateur 2011 / Golf Chick Wrap Up Part 2

… Okay so where was I? Oh yes, after the night of the first Mesquite Amateur theme party, sound asleep in my room at the Casablanca, dreaming about a stellar round. In case you missed it, here is part one of the Mesquite Am wrap up. And now for another epic blog post.

Such a round did not materialize for me. Although we played the same course (Oasis Canyons) as I did during my practice round, it looked and felt entirely different. When I looked at the card and saw the red tees at 4739 yards and the golds at 5335, I assumed we would play the golds. My bad. The reds just did not suit my eye or my game. My visualization certainly didn’t involve hitting 5 iron off so many tees. I was all screwed up and I lost confidence throughout the day in all my clubs. After the round, I worked that out on the range, hitting another 100 balls while the rest of the ladies were eating, drinking and socializing.

Oh by the way – I neglected to get a photo with my playing partners Garnette and Susan that first day (although I did put Garnette’s shoes up on Facebook for the Golfchick’s best shoe contest). And while I don’t seem to have any pics of me in my golf attire that day, I did snap a close up of my top because it’s a cool Golf Chick logo shirt I wanted to share with you.

It’s not meant to be a pervy boob shot, I just wanted to make sure to get the lime green piping, the TGC logo with the bling around it and the swoosh on the button placket. I think it’s a very cute top!

Back in my room, I relaxed a bit, tweeted some more and started the shoe contest on Facebook. Throughout the week, people would take photos of great golf shoes they saw during their rounds and post them to The Golf Chick Facebook page. My favorite men’s and women’s shoe submissions would win a Daphne’s Head Cover for the person who submitted them – not necessarily the person wearing them. It was quite fun.

That night at the tent party, I was supposed to address the golfers about The Golf Chick group and giveaway some prizes but I got bumped for time. They did invite me up to make a brief announcement to the group that I would be doing the prize giveaway over by the pool after the dinner. Trouble with that is, people had plans and got lured by the casinos so we only had about 45 people show up. Oh well, more prize opps for them! That night I gave away a Callaway Golf GPS to one lucky winner and $250 in gift cards good at all the pro shops in Mesquite, so we had a lot of happy people. Plus we got to mingle a bit more with one antoher!

A quick shout out to my fellow Mesquite Amateur sponsors (shown on the screen in the pic): The presenting sponsor, Golf Mesquite Nevada, The City of Mesquite, NV, and The Mesquite Resort Association.

And oh yeah… the long drive competitions were held on the first day and they presented those awards that night. When we approached my drive on the marked hole, we were excited to see that I got to move the marker and put my name on it. There weren’t too many groups behind us so I hoped it would hold up but you never know. Incidentally, remember Jana from the Callaway demo day long drive in my last post? Her name was on the marker for her flight … about 30 yards in front of mine. At least we’re consistent. Next year I’m going to have a new swing and I will be hitting a lot further than this 200 yard crap so she better watch out.

Cuttin’ a Rug with the Canucks

After the prize giveaway, we turned loose on the casinos and lounges. I wanted to mingle with more people than a blackjack table would allow so I opted for the main lounge at the Casablanca. I arrived with a couple friends and there were several tables of golfers scattered around. I noticed a couple guys with some crazy fun energy and went and joined them at their table for a little while. Neil and Paul are brothers from Canada and they were a lot of fun. I brought them back to the table with my friends Rich and Bill. Before we knew it, all the golfers were sitting together and having a rollicking good time. Neil and I went out on the empty dance floor, where he then knelt down, removed my shoes and tossed them aside to the applause of the crowd. That was just the start of the dancing!

Tourney Day 2

On Wednesday, we played The Palms course, which is the oldest course in Mesquite and the site of my alltime record round of 82, which I shot there last year during the Mesquite Am. I had hoped for some more of that magic. Alas, it wasn’t to be. I shot the exact same score as the day before (101) which I figured would put me somewhere near the middle of the pack. Not good enough. However, it was a fun day with my playing partners. I rode with “Badass Vicki,” who is always up on stage when they need volunteers for entertainment or on the video reel doing something crazy. You can’t miss her and if you’ve been to a Mesquite Am you probably know who she is. In the other cart were Roxanne and Kathy, two terrific ladies. Incidentally, I played The Palms with Kathy last year when I shot my record round. This year, it was her turn. How awesome is that? In the pic Left to Right – Vicki, me, Roxanne, Kathy. Every one of us landed that green you see across the ravine. Sure it’s a big green but that’s a daunting carry in person. No birdies were made but two of us, including me, made par.

After the round, I did a little shopping at the Palms pro shop to spend my winnings from the long drive and got a really cute skort.  *Side note: That morning before the round I spent one of my certificates on a couple gloves since I left mine out on my bag in the hot car and it got all hard and gross.  This is exactly why I don’t leave my golf shoes in the car. If you don’t know this, hear me now. The heat and sun will remove the luster and shorten the lives of your leather goods including your awesome shoes.

Looks like I also paused in the pro shop to look at some shoes on my Facebook page and maybe tweet a little. Someone busted me and posted this pic of me tweeting on my own Facebook page. Thanks, Dana – you sneaky girl!

Cigars Under the Stars

That night at the tent party, volunteers (yup, including Badass Vicki – she is called that for her coffee company) took to the stage and entertained us with antics called out by the emcees. Pretty funny stuff.

I got up on stage and gave my Golf Chick spiel, shouted out my peeps and I think I gave away a prize or two. Then we headed over to the pool for the ever popular “Cigars Under the Stars” after-event. As a new non-smoker, this wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. Although I wouldn’t have inhaled, I refrained from smoking a cigar because I thought just the motion could undermine all my mental work. I do believe I caved in and chewed a straw or two, though! Hmm… I can’t be sure, but that looks like Neil (nutty canuck) might be getting a bit frisky with Ryan (loudmouth dude) there on the ground (front left). Cheeky! Well, the single malt had been flowing! And yes – more dancing ensued.

Last Day of Tournament

Since I hadn’t played well the first two days and didn’t have much chance of getting into the money, I made up my mind to relax, drink, take pictures and not care so much about the golf for our round at Casablanca Golf Club. I also figured that might even help my game. I had fun playing with Brittany, who was a hot little number from Florida and a great sport. She wore a super short skirt (pictured at right) just for my twitter followers. She was also super chill and a cool chick. I’m sure we’d hang out and play golf if we lived near each other. I started the day with a bloody mary but moved on to rum soon after that. I was actually having a decent round but didn’t know it. Brittany mentioned it to me on the last hole, so I proceeded to take an 11 there. Let’s just say it involved water and someone’s backyard and that my “good shot” on the entire hole went in the greenside bunker. With that 11, I shot 96. Thanks a lot, Brittany. I thought you were cool. Heh. My scored landed me smack in the middle of my flight for the tournament. Much better than last year’s DFL, but still disappointing. I like to play well and I like to make sure my peeps have a good time. I’m going to be working towards doing better in both areas for next year. And if you have any suggestions, please let me know what you’d like to see to make The Golf Chick portion of the event better for you!

This swing yielded me a green in regulation and I two putted for my par.

Final night’s festivities!

Back in the tent for the dinner party, all the flight winners were announced. I was happy to see so many of the Golf Chick participants in the money and some even moved onto the championship round the next day! Huge congratulations to Dana Boyette, who was the 1st runner up for low net overall! She was also the most active Golf Chick player in the shoe contest and on FB in general (she’s the one who snapped a pic of me tweeting!) and won herself a prize for all that activity. Thanks for being so fun, Dana, and well done! Those of us not in the championship round did, of course, find the dance floor yet again.

Congrats as well to Jim and Lepha Luttrall, who both won their flights as well as the Golf Chick Couples prize, which was this fabulous golf cart cover generously contributed by Golf Shield! Thanks very much to them. They currently have a buy one get one free promotion going on so if you’re interested you might want to check it out sooner than later!

You can see everyone’s final scores and all the Mesquite Am results on their website here, then clicking “event info” and “event results 2011.”

Also a big thanks to Daphne’s Headcovers and Crystal Golf for donating such great prizes for the Golf Chick participants! Daphne’s makes the most adorable headcovers I’ve ever seen – but none better than this custom job.  Crystal Golf makes colorful and fun golf balls with 70 compression for the real player, not just a novelty! My favorites are the peach and the ladybug balls.

Some more winnahs!

Big thanks to everyone who participated with The Golf Chick group of players at the 2011 Mesquite Amateur! I had a great time getting to know you and wish I could have spent more time with you all. I hope to see you all back for more fun next year, with more crazy side-prizes, good times, great giveaways and wonderful company, and bring some friends! Meanwhile… may they all roll true!

Hugs! Kristen

Next post.

Get a Grip, Woman. A Golf Grip!

My game needs some fixing and I’m working on that, as you will read more about if you keep coming back.

However, I think I figured something out that may be correctable with equipment which excites me more than it probably should. A couple weeks ago I shared the following picture of myself on facebook and twitter from a round I played that day which showed an embarrassing look at my swing and grip. (Side note: I also realized how enlightening it is to look at my swing! Video is the logical next step to this analytical process, but that’s for another post and another time.)

My question at the time of posting this totally ignored the chicken wing, which I addressed with another pic and instead focused on my insane hands. What the hell are they doing?

Last week I lost my 56 degree wedge and was trying to figure out whether I should replace it with my old, dinged up wedge or the brand new off-brand wedge I had sitting around. I took both to the range to decide. The brand new club’s brand new grip was sharp and it made me realize how worn all the grips are on the rest of my clubs. Then I started realizing how my hands were slipping when I used them, especially the hand without the glove! Then I remembered this pic and took a closer look:

My left hand seems to have slipped a bit, but my right hand has totally lost its hold. No, that is not how I grip the club! After I realized how slick my grips were I started paying more attention to where my hands ended up in the finish pose and it was not pretty. My driver is relatively new and has a sharper, tackier grip and the same does not happen with it, nor with the new wedge.  Conclusion: I need new grips.

Now, my next competitive event is next week in Mesquite as you may know. Obviously I’m running out of time to get things done before I leave for that trip. I’d like to shop around for awhile and re-grip my clubs myself and blog all about it for you but I’d rather have them done in time for the event just in case it makes a difference. So I may just take the recommendations I got and have my local shop do it for me all lickety-split like.  **Mitochondrial DNA. No, there is no good reason for me to type “mitochondrial DNA” right now but the phrase popped into my head and out of my mouth and if you were here right now you would have heard me say it so I thought I’d share.  Gary Busey moment. Now where was I?**

You can definitely see the difference in wear in the photos of the two grips below. If I end up not being able to get this done in time, maybe I’ll have to try the Tommy “Two-Glove” Gainey technique for the interim!  Don’t worry, you know I’ll let you know. (c: Have a great weekend everyone!

Update!: I went down to the local club shack and cashed in a gift certificate and got all my irons and my hybrid re-gripped with Golf Pride Tour Velvet grips (pics on Facebook). They look and feel awesome and I hope to test them out tomorrow morning.  My 5-wood and 3-wood grips had to be ordered in so they’re going to Mesquite as they are. The clubs are so old nobody stocks the grips around here. Really wish I could have at least gotten my 3 wood done since we play the forward tees in the women’s division at the Am, but I’ll just have to hold on tighter!

Next post.

More Kikkor Golf Kicks in My Shoe Collection

Back in February, I wrote this post about my first pair of Kikkor Golf shoes. Since then, I got another box of awesomeness – this time, the “Tenny Clayburn.” They were my first choice but I went with the white ones first thinking they would go with more outfits. I’m finding I actually wear the gray Clayburns more. When you like a shoe this much, you can work your outfits around it!

Kikkor Tenny Clayburn

These shoes feel even cooler than they look. They are amazingly comfortable! If I could stop looking at them I might forget I was wearing shoes at all. However, they’re also quite stabilizing. They make me feel secure when addressing the ball and give me confidence in my golf shots. I wasn’t sure that would be the case when I first saw the spikes, but they do their job well!

Here is another close-up of the rockin style I love.

Kikkor Tenny Clayburn

And here they are in action on the course:

kikkor golf tenny clayburn

If you like their styles, I highly recommend picking up some awesome Kikkor golf kicks for yourself!

Next post.

Kikkor Golf Shoes – Awesome New Kicks

Have you heard of Kikkor Golf? If not, it’s time you did.

I’m just a chick who loves shoes (aren’t we all?)… so I was on high alert for news out of the PGA Show about shoes. I took notice of Kikkor Golf because they’re storming on the scene with a fresh new look not seen elsewhere in the golf shoe arena. Think young, think hip, think shoes you’d wear OFF the course. I immediately wanted some so of course I tweeted that sentiment. Next thing I know, I get an email with a shipping notification that said “Your box of awesomeness is on its way!” Two days later, I’m sporting these:

Kikkor Golf Tenny White Classic

When they asked me which ones I wanted, I felt like a kid in a candy store. So many fun colors and styles! Ultimately, I chose the Kikkor Tenny in White Classic because they looked so comfortable I thought I’d want to wear them a lot and white goes with more outfits.

I opened the box and was immediately delighted with not only the look, but the smell. I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue. Talk about fresh off the line!

Then I put them on. Ohhhh… joy. They are like wearing pillows. But solid pillows, you know? Gotta have good support to feel confident out there in your stance. Not too many golf shoes are immediately comfortable. I can’t wait to wear them out on the course. I will get into more details about their special spike technology and performance once I put them in play.

A quick style note: These shoes are versatile! The fashionable skate-look can and will look good off the course. Once you wear the spikes down, you’ve got a cool new pair of street shoes. Then you just have to go golf shoe shopping again. Oh, the horror! I have my eye on the Tenny Clayburn already.

Also… sneaky clever! I  really dig the logo… looks like a spike and mirrored K’s for Kikkor all at once.  Kudos to the designer!

Next post.

Swag & Prizes for Mesquite Am Golf Chick Participants

As I have mentioned, The Golf Chick is one of the sponsors at this year’s Mesquite Amateur Tournament.  (There is still time to sign up before the early bird deadline – March 31 – and be entered in the drawing to receive a complimentary hotel stay!) By the way, if you already registered and forgot to write “Golf Chick” in the comments, you can still get in on this if you let us know you meant to or otherwise heard about the tournament from The GolfChick.

Last year, all the ladies in the event received a GolfChick divot repair tool and one lucky raffle winner received an Ogio stand bag. Big thanks and shout-out to for providing those items! If any of you noticed my snazzy GolfChick cap – that was also their handiwork.

This year, everyone who signs up using the Golf Chick in their registration entry will receive some special bonus swag items and be automatically entered into some fun side contests that will include prizes for guys, girls & couples. I’m working with some vendors on making up some cool stuff but I’m going to let it be a surprise to you! I am also considering holding an interactive contest that will involve participants’ voting for a winner – so to be ready for that, be sure to follow @TheGolfChick on twitter and on my new facebook page.

We are also looking at setting up a get-together/outing one evening for our group and anyone who wants to join us. There is already so much going on there, this will depend on interest. Feel free to comment here with your thoughts & ideas or email me. I will also be in touch via email to registered participants as plans develop.

This is going to be so much fun. We have a good group started already and I look forward to meeting you all (or seeing you again). I hope to see a bunch more people sign up with us!

If anyone has items they would like to provide for either the swag bag or prize items, please email me at kristen (at) thegolfchick (dot) com to discuss it!

Next post.

Warm Your Golf Balls – Great Test on Video

The guys at Cleobury Golf Club are putting out some entertaining and informative videos for us all to enjoy (and learn something).

If you’re an avid reader of all things golf, you’ve likely seen studies and comparisons of different golf balls, their construction and performance. If you’re an average (and typical) golfer, you probably ignore most of the data and just think you MUST have the Titleist ProV or ProV1. Well you’re free to spend your clams however you like. I won’t even mock you for it. As you may know from other posts here, I’m a believer that golf is mostly a mental game, and if you THINK you play better with the most expensive golf ball used by so many Tour players, you just might. (Here is an article with lots of information on different golf balls, if you’re interested.)

That being said, if distance is your priority and you’re a mid-handicapper with a slower swing speed (whether you admit it or not), you’re better off with a 2-piece ball. Plus, you’ll save a lot of money. The video here from the Cleobury guys shows the difference in distance of 2- and 3-piece balls by just such a player. But what I found more interesting was the test on the temperature of the golf balls. I’d heard that if you keep your balls warm, they’ll perform better but I can’t recall ever seeing a video test or even reading any research on it (not to say it doesn’t exist). I think I may have even heard it from an LPGA player – Paula Creamer, perhaps. Great to see the distance theory proved here.

These guys obviously have fun making these videos, which you can see more of on their youtube channel.

Another one I particularly like is “How to Repair a Pitch Mark Correctly.” Not funny, just informative. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people do it wrong and correct them. Don’t pull UP (the guy in the vid even messes up his first pull in the “do-it-right” segment but corrects it nicely). I’m a big advocate for taking care of greens.

Keep the videos coming guys, and good work!

Next post.

Holiday Golf Gift Idea for Chicks

Looking for something special for the golf chick in your life for Christmas or another holiday? Try this!

It seems like when I’m shopping for golf chicks, it’s difficult to find something beyond the usual array of equipment, clothing and gadgets. It’s rare to come across something truly unique AND useful. Did I mention affordable? That’s right – if you’re one of the lucky ones with a large holiday gift budget, this makes a great stocking stuffer. But if you’re like a lot of people right now and are spending less this year on presents, this makes a great standalone gift!

It’s sparkly, girly, practical and fabulous, and I bet you’d be hard pressed to find a golf chick who wouldn’t enjoy receiving a Putterflys ball marker necklace. Beautiful Swarovski crystals adorn the ball marker to provide the sparkle. The marker is easy to slide off the enhanced magnetic clip (bit stays put when you don’t need it), which hangs from the necklace cord.

Some women don’t like to wear hats when they golf, and find themselves digging in a pocket or fiddling with their gloves to find a ball marker when they need it, so this provides a fashionable and functional solution for them. They come in many different designs and colors (the picture here is only a sampling) so she can get several and always have one that works well with the outfit of the day. The cords are also available in different colors.

Starting at only $21.95, these unique pieces of golf jewelry come in their own pretty little pouches – perfect for a gift! You can also get packages that come with multiple markers & necklaces. And as of now, they offer free standard shipping. How can you beat that?

She’ll look good on and off the course wearing one of these. Sparkly, girly, unique and fabulous? No surprise Christina Kim wears them on the LPGA Tour. I think those words describe her, too.

Next post.

Red Envelope: Expect Good (Golf) Things

If you’ve never received a gift that came from Red Envelope, you are missing out. And if you’re reading this, you’re probably a golfer, so you’ll want to put golf gifts from Red Envelope on your wish list.

I am delighted to have recently received this gorgeous two-piece monogrammed set of golf gifts. The only way I could be happier with them is if they had my cute little golf chick logo on them. Custom embroidery isn’t an option but I love that they are personalized with my initials. If it isn’t obvious from the photo, they’re a golf shoe bag and a cooler bag. I happen to love the colors which are classy and neutral and both bags are big enough to hold plenty of stuff. The cooler bag is plenty tall to hold long necks, wine bottles (yes, of course I tried!) or a nice cold pitcher of your favorite beverage. The bottles are only sticking out in the photo for effect – I stuffed the bottom. They’re both made out of the same sturdy material with strong zippers, pockets, handles and straps. The cooler bag also has a handy clip so you can secure it to your bag, cart, basket, whatever. The shoe bag has subtle side vents to air out your shoes.

Everyone who sees me with these items wants some of their own. Bonus: I think the monogramming will help prevent theft!

Red Elvelope golf gifts

I’ve received gifts from RedEnvelope before and they’ve always been first class. This time was no exception. They have a lot of new golf items in their collection so if you haven’t seen them lately, take a peek at their website. Not that there’s a shortage of gift ideas for golfers, but many of these are unique and have available personalization to give the golfer(s) in your life -including you – something truly special.

Whenever I see a package or box from RedEnvelope, I know it’s gonna be good. I know I must be sounding like their marketing mouth but this is simply an honest assessment. If I was on their marketing team, I would make the headline of this blog post their slogan (after assuring it’s not already trademarked by someone else): “Red Envelope: Expect Good Things.”

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A Halo of Stylish Sun Protection: Hat for Golf

Tired of the same old baseball caps and visors? Want to protect yourself from the sun in style while you play golf? Sun protection hats and clothing with UPF 50+ ratings are starting to be seen more and more but I haven’t found many items that suit my style on the golf course. You might have noticed the hat I had on in the picture from my last round at the Mesquite Amateur. (I usually like to stay behind the camera but thanks to Kathy Lee for taking these photos.) Lots of golfers noticed my hat that day! Here are some closer looks at it:

golf chick Halo Mates Cherie hat

I received several comments on the unique, feminine and stylish design and women wanted to know where I got it. This isn’t a secret to be kept. It’s an original Halo Mates Sun Protection Hat.

Full disclosure time: My friends created and own Halo Mates. I don’t get any commissions or anything, I just believe in what they’re doing and want to help spread the word. Plus, I LOVE this hat!

More to the story

This particular hat also comes from the imagination of a designer you probably know from the music world. Remember the Runaways? That’s right – the 70’s teenage band featuring Cherie Currie, Joan Jett, Lita Ford, Jackie Fox and Sandy West. Lead singer, Cherie Currie, is multi-talented and is actually a renowned chainsaw artist. (I’m partial to the name she gave her website that features this art: Chainsaw Chick.)

Anyway, Cherie doesn’t stop at music or chainsaws with her art. She also designed this gorgeous sun protection hat for Halo Mates. The fabric is UPF 50, it has an extra wide bill for more sun protection and has a beautiful cherry blossom scarf strung through loops around the cap. It also comes with either a short or long drape for further protection of your neck and shoulders (see images below). The drape is easy to detach as I do when I play golf. You can even replace the scarf with others of your own to match your ensemble du jour on the course.

BTW – can’t get enough of the Runaways? Stay tuned for the upcoming film on their story, aptly titled “The Runaways.” It’s about to go into production and will star Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie and Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett. Dakota’s growing up fast – she’s actually now the same age as Cherie when the band assembled – 15! I thought Dakota was good casting but Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett? She may not have been my choice, but I’m decidedly un-Hollywood. Publicity-wise, it’s probably downright inspired. I digress… back to the hat.

Halo Mates Cherie apple blossom

Here are some images from the Halo Mates website of actual models sporting the hat with and without the short drape. The hats are making their way into retail locations (including Ready Golf in Mesquite) but mostly in Southern California right now so if you want one, it would be easiest to make your way to the online store. They have many other designs for men and women and some really cute kids designs! I got some for my favorite little golf chicks and they’re adorable! I will add pictures when I get them.

I also really like the “Palm Springs Sunbreaker” (below) though it’s not as golf-friendly as some of the other designs.

Cherie’s Apple Blossom design is still my favorite!

Halo Mates sun protection hat

Next post.

Little Golf Clubs for Little Golf Chicks

Brittany Lincicome made the shot of her life on Sunday which led to her fantastic victory at the Dinah Shore, but she’s got nothing on the little golf chicks I played with a few hours earlier.

When Jenna got new golf clubs for Christmas, her original Snoopy set was bestowed on her sister, Kate. I’ve been wanting to play golf with them since then and we finally got together for a golfchick round. It was a gorgeous day for golf. Jenna and Kate were the stars of the show while their mother and I simply filled out the foursome.

Jenna's AcculengthJenna driver

Jenna’s new Acculength golf clubs are specially designed for junior players. The only expandable clubs in the world, they will grow with her for several seasons so she can learn the game with a properly fitted set.

They come in plenty of colors for boys and girls, but this golf chicklet is a pink panther in the making, so naturally she got the pink set. Jenna especially loves her driver, which she used on the tee, in the fairway, from the rough and even in the bunkers. Okay, so we need to work on that, but Paula Creamer better watch her back.

Her Snoopy clubs were adorable, but way too small for her these days. Perfect for Kate, though. Kate spent more time thinking and talking about Webkinz than playing golf, but she got some swings in with Snoopy, Woodstock and Charlie Brown.

KateKate 2

It was a uniquely enjoyable round and I look forward to playing with them again. I’d like for it to become a frequent occurrence so I can watch (and take part in) the development of their games and knowledge of the rules and etiquette surrounding it. Kate may not have the interest or focus on the sporting aspect right now, but while her attention span lasted – almost the entire round – she enjoyed the social aspect and the walk in the park. Jenna, on the other hand, really seems keen on the golf itself. Her frustration at less-than-stellar shots was adorably grown up and I think she’s got some competitive fire in there.

As if the privilege of golfing with them wasn’t enough, at the end of the round they gave me these custom creations as a parting gift. Thanks, little golf chicks!

Jenna's drawingKate's drawing

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