Just a little off-topic post to try to jump start this stagnant blog.
Here’s a little taste of a couple happenings in my absence from the blogosphere. Perhaps you read the headline and thought it was an oxymoronic metaphor for my life, but it’s actually quite literal.
As I let weeds grow around this blog, plant life seems to be taking over other areas as well. So let’s start with the roots in my pipes. I have a toilet that had a really slow flush and one day, ugly dirt (yes, dirt) started bubbling up and over. Time to break down and actually call the plumber. I was disappointed yet relieved that he displayed no stereotypical crack for me to spackle, but he did find and solve the problem.

Yes, that’s an actual tree root.
Since then I’ve had another plumber come in, this time to fix a leak from upstairs dripping down into the shower. Problem solved, but I’m still waiting on the drywall contractor to come fix the hole.
Now let’s move onto the party in my drawers. Sorry, but I’ll leave it up to you to create your own salacious scenario here. What I’m here to tell you about is the party in my kitchen. When I was redecorating, I painted only one drawer red. It is the drawer that contains such handy implements as wine & bottle openers. You know, the “party drawer.” So if anyone asked me where those items were I could simply say “the red drawer.”
Recently, I found out that in the absence of human parties, those implements have been having their own fun. I opened the drawer to retrieve the aforementioned wine opener and here is what I saw:
Looks like MC Ice Cream Scoop (Ice is such a popular handle) decided to pump up the volume and entertain the other misfits in this drawer I obviously care very little about with a few notable exceptions. Good for him.
So, am I back? Will there soon be some actual golf related material here? As a friend recently pointed out to me, this is a difficult horse to get back on once you’ve been off for so long. But it is my sincere hope that now that I’ve posted something, I’ll get on my butt and start writing about all the golf topics that have been piling up in my head and share them with you.
If you’re still here after all this time, thank you! And I apologize for the lengthy dearth of content here.
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Indio, Shmindio. Try putting on the beach.
As the Kraft Nabisco (Dinah Shore) got underway today, the women of the LPGA were making and missing putts on slick, true greens in their first major of the year. The announcers just would not stop talking about the “Indio effect,” which just means the greens tend to break toward the town of Indio even if they don’t look like they will.
Meanwhile, I went out for a local round and encountered the seediest sandiest greens I’ve ever seen. Seriously, it was like putting on a beach. The bunkers there seem to be mostly hard dirt, so maybe they should reconsider how they want to use all that sand. Waaaah. I’m such a whiner. Somehow I managed to squeak in at 90 but still, I think I want my money back. This photo has not been doctored in any way.
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