I love my golf bags, and I have several.
I switch them out from time to time but my clubs are currently residing in my beautiful orange Birdie Girl bag. Nothing beats the bells, whistles and efficiency of my Ogio bag, but it’s a cart bag so it’s heavier. Plus, the Birdie Girl bag looks more like springtime than my chocolate colored Ogio. My Savvy Golfer bag is a great alternate cart bag since it’s pink, but after using it for many months, I grew tired of its bold brightness.
While these bags have pretty much everything I need for carrying items on the golf course, sometimes a golf chick just has to accessorize. And that’s just what I’ve done. Like getting your dog a pet of his own, I got my bags some bags.
*Side note – I just bit into the onion in my martini and it’s making my face mush all up but I love it. I sandwich one in on the pick between my two olives and I just got to it. Delightful. Don’t tell me it’s Tuesday. I know it’s Tuesday. I happen to enjoy martini blogging.*
My Bag’s bags
There are actually a few things for which none of my bags have their own designated spaces, and that is because they’re all things that need to be kept cool. If Ogio hasn’t already added new pockets for this, I’m sure they’re in the works. For now, I have an excuse for these cute accessories:
The Golfing Caddy
This handy little gizmo is the “little black dress” for golf bags. It holds all the things you want to keep close and mobile (it attaches and detaches from your bag with relative security but ease) and its style blends, accents or complements most any golf bag.
The Golfing Caddy‘s primary feature according to its maker is the bottle cooler/holder. However, my push cart has a bottle holder (though it doesn’t keep it cold) and when I’m driving a cart I like to have my beverages in close proximity, which means right in front of me in the cup holders rather than clipped to my bag in the back. Beverages rarely sit there long enough to get cold or warm, if you know what I mean. Although when I have those cup holders filled with maybe a bloody mary and a beer (it’s been known to happen), my water can be chilling in this handy caddy. Some carts have coolers with ice on the back, so in those cases it wouldn’t be an advantage. When I walk, it’s pretty much just water and/or Gatorade, so the bottle cooler works really well.
The real benefit I get from this bag is the other stuff it holds besides the beverage. I don’t care that it comes with or holds a towel. I like that it has two pockets (plus a really large third one if you don’t have a bottle in there) to hold other stuff that you want to be mobile. Especially for the golf chicks out there who don’t want to hassle with a purse while playing golf. I keep a few tees and hat clips as well as a bunch of magnetic ball markers (I collect them and rotate them out) in one pocket and in the other pocket I put my money, ID and phone (on silent). This way, I don’t have to carry a purse or worry about leaving some of its contents in my golf bag when I’m done. After a round, I can leave my golf bag in the car and just bring in my Golf Caddy to make sure I have my valuables. It even has a convenient little wrist strap that makes for easy portability.
It’s black, so it goes with everything (like the little black dress) and it feels remarkable. Plus, I love touching and rubbing the soft microfiber material, but perhaps I’m abnormally pleased by tactile sensations. (Is that too revealing?)
The bottom line is, the Golf Caddy is my new golf purse. Freedom. Maybe that’s why they call it a caddie – it holds all the things you don’t want to put in your own pockets without having to carry a handbag.
Keeping it Cool
The Icy Bag is another little accessory that comes in handy on the golf course.
It’s a specially lined bag that contains shielded ice packs to keep items other than water cool. I have the black one (with one ice pack) and the turquoise model (two ice packs).
Frankly, it only just started heating up out here so I haven’t found good use for the bags but the ice packs came in handy one night when Vito jumped off the couch and bashed into my wrist. Seriously – it was a bruised, swollen mess. He’s a big, clumsy boy.
So I haven’t really given them a run for their money out on the golf course, but I will in a couple weeks when I go to sweltering Nevada for our club’s “away” tournament. We always bring plenty of towels to keep cold and put around our necks as well as a couple of handy little bottles that spray water while fanning us. Talk about brilliant. I should put a Golf Chick logo on those suckers and market them to y’all. ANYWAY…
At any given time, you could find lip gloss, chapstick, or some variation of lip softener – colored or not – on my person. On the golf course, it’s usually in my pocket or a golf cart. I reapply it often, and though I’ve had a couple of occasions when melting occurred, it wasn’t a total loss or expensive either way. I struggle to think of other items I might need to keep cool while on the course that are absolute necessities. Sunscreen – maybe. It does tend to get runny when hot, but I often forget to bring it anyway. I know – shame on me. Makeup? I’m not exactly the girl you’ll find crying over runny eye liner on the turn.
Maybe I’ll find some handy uses for it on our upcoming trip. All I know now is, it’s a super cute accessory for my golf bag and has ice packs that will be much appreciated if only for human contact. Plus, they’re compact and lightweight so we can always use them in our walking bags on those hot rounds at home when we have to hide beers. 
Next post.
Will Annika retire on top?
Annika Sorenstam is playing with confidence, grace, and determination. She looks like the Annika we know and love from before her injuries. Her dominant win last week in Virginia keeps her solidly in second place to Lorena Ochoa and the momentum is on her side. More on that in my latest Golf For Women post on Swing Thoughts.
Now there is a rumor that Annika will retire at the end of this year, and she’s supposedly going to make a statement today. We all know she is marrying Mike McGee and wants to start a family. While most of the working world has to work more to support a family, she has the luxury and probably the necessity to do the opposite. She’ll still have her business to run but to make time for a family, something’s got to give. Since she has already accomplished so much in professional golf, it makes sense that playing regularly on tour would be the thing to drop. I mean, she’s not going to get rid of that cat. *Side note: Vito actually likes cats. I told you he had snags.*
Of course the retirement issue is of greater importance. Whether she will or won’t, I’d love to see her back in the #1 position before she goes. This year would be just fine with me. The LPGA has a lot of great competition, with dominant Lorena Ochoa leading the pack, so Annika’s got her work cut out for her. I think we’re going to see a lot more stellar play out of Annika this year, and maybe with retirement beckoning at season’s end, her focus and determination will be that much stronger.
Update: It’s official. Annika made the announcement today, citing “following her dreams” of business and family as her reasons for stepping away from competitive golf. She said “I have given it all and it’s been fun.” You can watch the press conference at the link above. She also talks about the state of women’s golf and even gives a nod to Brett Favre for their similarities in reasons to retire (they love the competition, they’re just “tired of the daily grind”). It’s an interesting speech and she also discusses her plans to stay involved in the game of golf and inspire future golfers. As for the next seven months, her goal is to win many tournaments, including majors. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s what I want to see.
Thank you, Annika, for all the years you’ve given us and everything you have already done for golf.
Next post.